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Entryway Feng Shui: Simple Tips

By Special Guest: Michelle Lillicrap OTR/L

The entryway to your home is one of the most important areas to maintain because it is the main mouth of Chi or where the energy enters and exits.

Follow these tips to maintain great energy flow and welcome friends and new opportunities

-Make it warm and welcoming -Use as much as possible -Keep clutter free (this includes leaves and dirt) -Well lit (solar lights are great and bring in good energy) -Welcome mat -Solid front door in good working order -A meandering pathway to front door is ideal (not straight) -Nothing pointy or sharp (i.e. cactus) -No trees or poles in direct alignment with front door -Plants and flowers

As you maintain your entrance with a daily sweep or tending to your plants, be sure do so in gratitude and take a moment to bring in your intentions of welcoming abundance, love or new opportunities.

Feel free to message me for a free consult of what color flowers to plant in your entryway. Depending on which direction it faces, you can magnify good energy by picking corresponding colors to that direction!

Also, I am offering Feng Shui home consultations for half off to all Empower VIP members! Shoot me a DM for details and we can do a free 15 min phone consultation to see if my services are a good fit for you!

——— Follow Michelle here!

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