By Special Guest: Michelle Lillicrap OTR/L

Signs of blocked chi or energy flow:
▪️Dark areas of home
▪️Feeling stuck
▪️Constantly seeking ways to improve your life
▪️Low energy/boredom/procrastination
▪️Health fluctuations
▪️Financial struggles
Signs of flowing chi or energy:
✨Happy/content/at ease
✨Feeling grateful
✨Natural light
✨Good relationship with self and others
✨Life feels like it is flowing well
✨Good health
✨A sense of wonder and curiosity about life
✨Healthy relationship with money
So what are the best ways to get that stuck energy moving?!
✨Clear clutter
✨Let in as much natural light as possible
✨Open windows and doors 5-10 minutes a day
✨Clean: stuck/stagnant energy likes to accumulate in the CORNERS of rooms- wipe down and keep clean
✨Sound moves energy! Uplifting music, chimes, singing bowls, drum, sing, chant.
✨Reposition furniture!
✨ Bring in nature (at least 1 plant for every room)
✨Space clear with palo santo or rose spray
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